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- adaptogen
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- DNA mutation
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- genome
- Genomic Instability
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- gut
- hallmarks of ageing
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- Healthy Ageing
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- Liver-FX
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- redox
- regeneration
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- revitaliser
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- senescence
- senolytics
- siberian ginseng
- sirtuin
- skin damage
- stem cells
- stress
- turmeric

Keep your Genome Stable to live a long healthier life
There is an important reason why ‘genomic instability’ takes the number one position on the list of hallmarks. It is often called the big boss of the 4 primary hallmarks. Ultimately, genomic instab...

Is There A Longevity Gene – and Do You Have It?
How often do we hear someone say, ‘when my times up – it’s up!’ Seems pretty fatalistic to me, however, much of our society still believes that humans can only live up to about 80 years of age and...

Why Do We Age and Can We Avoid It?
2013 was a momentous year. It culminated in the development of a paper put together by a group of scientists charged with reviewing all the literature on ageing and coming up with what they called ...

Are Blueberries Really The Healthiest Food in the World?
Imagine a life where we could all sit around with friends and family sipping a glass of red wine and popping juicy little blueberries into our mouth all day. While we know this isn’t an option for ...

How to reverse the journey to chronic disease
We hear a lot about chronic disease nowadays: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, alzheimer’s, the list goes on. But is it bad luck that we get these medical problems? Are they inevitabl...