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- adaptogen
- ageing
- AGEs
- aging
- alkaline
- alkaline balance
- anabolism
- anti-ageing
- anti-aging
- anti-diabetic
- anti-infammatory
- antioxidant
- anxiety
- ashwagandha
- astragalus
- autoimmune disease
- blueberries
- Body Revitaliser
- brain
- cancer
- cardiovascular
- catabolism
- cell energy
- cell health
- cinnamon
- collagen
- Collagen-HA
- curcumin C3
- depression
- detox
- DNA mutation
- free radicals
- genome
- Genomic Instability
- ginger
- grape seed
- green tea
- gut
- hallmarks of ageing
- healthspan
- Healthy Ageing
- healthy gut
- healthyageing
- immune system
- infections
- inflammation
- liquorice
- liver
- Liver-FX
- longevity
- microbiome
- microbiota
- mitochondria
- osteoporosis
- Ph levels
- phytochemicals
- prebiotics
- redox
- regeneration
- resveratrol
- revitaliser
- rosmary
- senescence
- senolytics
- siberian ginseng
- sirtuin
- skin damage
- stem cells
- stress
- turmeric

Adaptogen Herbs: The Key to Longevity and Optimal Health
Certain herbs called adaptogens are particularly helpful in restoring and maintaining positive homeostasis. This is due to their ability to help us adapt to change, in particular to the challenges ...