Free Radical Damage

Winning the Fight Against Free Radicals and Free Radical Damage

What do antioxidants, ORAC scores, free radicals, oxidative damage, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and redox all have in common? They are all involved in the process of how we age and the developmen...

ageingBalancing Rocks Depicting Genomic Instability

Keep your Genome Stable to live a long healthier life

There is an important reason why ‘genomic instability’ takes the number one position on the list of hallmarks. It is often called the big boss of the 4 primary hallmarks. Ultimately, genomic instab...

ageingAlkaline Diet - Food Groups

Is An Alkaline Diet the Key To Longevity?

Rebalancing the acid-alkaline levels in your body is the one crucial and easy step you should take every day towards being healthy and energetic. But why is our pH so important for our cells to fun...

ageingThere will be no more old age in the new age

There will be no more old age in the new age

This is now becoming more and more the focus of longevity science around the world. New research techniques, new money , new theories, all excited by the discoveries that our cellular performance, ...

ageingDaughter and aged mother

Why Do We Age and Can We Avoid It?

2013 was a momentous year. It culminated in the development of a paper put together by a group of scientists charged with reviewing all the literature on ageing and coming up with what they called ...

ageingBlueberries Nutrient Benefits

Are Blueberries Really The Healthiest Food in the World?

Imagine a life where we could all sit around with friends and family sipping a glass of red wine and popping juicy little blueberries into our mouth all day. While we know this isn’t an option for ...