
Forget the Botox - Energise Your Mitochondria

Botox Injection into face

Every day there seems to be some new discovery or understanding about our mitochondria, that's because they are so vitally important to how we feel and how we age. Our bodies contain trillions of these batteries generating and producing energy on a constant basis and they determine the daily function and activity of all our cells.

Anti-ageing and longevity research is focused around the 9 Hallmarks of Ageing and their influence on how we feel, the diseases that we develop and how long we live. They all have various parts to play in the ageing process. However, it's the performance of our mitochondria that determines how much we can influence these other hallmarks. If we want our cells to clear out the junk and debris it has accumulated over the years, we need energetic and functional mitochondria. If we want our cells to lower inflammation and oxidation in our cell, we need energetic and functional mitochondria. If we want more stem cells to be produced and sent out to repair and regenerate, we need energetic and functional mitochondria. This principle is consistent across all 9 Hallmarks of Ageing.

A number of powerful compounds have been identified that support and fuel our mitochondria especially molecules such as C0Q10, Activated B3 & NAD, Resveratrol and Magnesium. Each of these activate and energise the mitochondria and bring them back to a more youthful and stable state. So, instead of spending all that time and effort on making ourselves look young on the outside, how about we spend time and effort where it really counts and power up our internal mitochondria. True youthfulness starts on the inside, repairing cells and tissue, improving the function of organs, activating the many pathways associated with regeneration right down to a DNA level.

Our blends include powerful compounds to support all the Hallmarks of Ageing but they place special focus on our mitochondria. Clinically, we know that if you look tired or depleted on the outside then this is mirroring how your cells are feeling on the inside. If we want to be full of energy and be able to regenerate ourselves then we need to have energetic and powerful mitochondria, cellular engines and batteries that are fully functional and have an abundance of good fuel to drive their activity day by day.

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